Prepare Kabrita goat milk formula according to the instructions below. Instructions for the preparation of the formula are always indicated on the tin and can slightly differ between products and/or countries. Your baby's health depends on carefully following the preparation and storage instructions.
Prepare the milk no more than one hour before feeding. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing the milk.
- Boil the bottle and teat for approx. 10 min to sterilize.
- Fill the bottle with the correct amount of boiled water and allow to cool to approx. 40°C.
- Add the indicated amount of Kabrita to the corresponding amount of water.
- Close the bottle and shake well until the powder has dissolved. Test the temperature against the inside of your wrist.
Prepare the milk no more than one hour before feeding. Dispose of any unfinished formula left in the bottle after your baby’s feed.
Goat milk naturally contains many nutrients. Your toddler is currently in an important stage of development, which means their nutritional needs are changing too. That is not always easy to manage, as toddlers can be notoriously picky eaters.
We developed Kabrita 3 toddler milk to ensure that your toddler receives the essential nutrients and energy they need. Unlike ordinary goat milk, this formula contains extra nutrients to meet your toddler's changing nutritional needs optimally.
This depends on the amount and number of feeds your baby needs. One 800 g tin of Kabrita can be used to prepare around six litres of formula. An indication of the amount per feed is always stated on the tin.
Your doctor can advise you on the precise amounts that your baby needs.
Once opened, the goat milk formula must be used within four weeks. Store the tin in a cool, dry, and dark place (not in the refrigerator).
Occasionally, the scoop will settle in the powder. Try tilting the tin and tapping gently against the side to displace the powder. This should help you locate the scoop.
Store the opened tin in a cool, dry, and dark place (not in the refrigerator). Once opened, the goat milk formula must be used within four weeks.